
About DTK Trade

At DTK-Trade we strive for a complete unburdening concerning your merchandise, disposables and garments. From the very first design to the search for the best deal in the world: DTK-Trade makes it happen.

A personalized pizza box, a sea container filled with your company branded pens or your entire staff in high-quality, heat-resistant industrial clothing. Thanks to our worldwide network of suppliers and manufacturers, we will deliver you your product quickly and at a competitive price. Don’t have your own design yet? No problem, we are also happy to assist you in designing your product.

Getting curious about all the possibilities? We love to inform you about it. Contact us and come visit us at our brand new office.

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Make an appointment with DTK-Trade
All around the globe

DTK-Trade has an extensive network all over the world. Curious about our partners? Join us on a journey and see the process with your own eyes.

Design and development

We are also happy to help you even before the whole process of purchasing starts. Together with you we will design and develop any desired product. It’s all your under your own control.

Meet our team

You can count on us! We are at your service day and night with a big smile. Come visit us at our new office and let’s get acquainted.

A complete unburdening from A till  Z

DTK-Trade will support you with everything when it comes to your merchandise, disposables and garments.

We do this with a big smile and with a lot of love. Starting from the first concept to the moment you actually have the finished product in your hands. But you can also contact us for all individual steps of this process. For example, do you already have a design yourself but still miss a manufacturer? Call us!

because you can't get enough of us!